
by Gary Wandrey

In June 1965 myself and 2 fishing friends chartered a Parsons Airways Norseman CF-ECD
In Kenora. We flew NW to Red Deer Lake at Farlane Ont and were left on one of the small
islands in the lake with a pickup date a week later. Had with us my 12 ft Alumacraft Boat and
my trusty Merc 9.8 the last white Merc built. Caught Walleyes, Northern Pike, Smallmouth
and some Trout. Ran out of cookies and Wiskey but ate fish every day.
Later that summer my father flew with 3 friends on a Parsons Airways charter from Kenora
to Cache Lake in Farlane in the other Norseman CF-EPZ they did that several summers and
sometimes used an Ontario Central Airlines smaller float planes. Attached are photos.

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